How to earn more and attract new clients with nail art
Nail art has taken the nail industry by storm over recent years. There are new techniques and adaptations being produced regularly and there are some brilliant benefits to being skilled in this area. You are able to charge extra for nail art and it is likely you will gain more clients for your beauty business as your beautiful nail art skills will attract them.
If you are already qualified as a nail technician perhaps you have wondered whether you could upskill and learn how to do more in-depth and detailed nail art? If so, here are some of the top questions existing and aspiring nail techs have about nail art.
Can you do nail art with Gel Polish?
Nail art can be done with gel polish and using gel actually makes it a lot more flexible because you can alter your design before you cure it. Professional nail art requires tools, training and lots of practice.
Why should I offer nail art?
Nails are like tiny canvases for artwork and nail art allows nail techs to be creative and produce beautiful, unique designs that their clients love, and that they can charge more money for.
Where to find nail art inspiration?
In terms of nail art designs, you can find inspiration on Instagram by searching relevant hashtags, and of course over on Pinterest.
If you are interested in offering nail art as part of your services, my online beginners course will get you started. You will learn 11 different nail art techniques that you can adapt to create numerous sets of gorgeous nails. Find out more here.
I also offer advanced nail art masterclasses such as this Precious Stones course, helping you take your nail art to the next level and really stand out.